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I really enjoyed blood of god. I enjoyed all of the characters and felt really intrigued by the intro sequence because it shows how much depth the characters have. I enjoyed the little sound effects choices as well. The little clatter sound tickled me.

I loved Kara because I liked having a character who uses he/she/they. I like how it felt like the same pronoun was never used twice in a row. 

Sometimes it took me a moment to understand the time shift, but I think it was well done and I got with it pretty quickly.

Overall I really enjoyed my read of this and I really look forward to the continuation. I want to know what happens to Lambda! I want to learn about the prophecy! I want to see all of these characters continue to do their thing!


absolutely enthranced after just the first 60 seconds with this incredibly impactful opening. i love how lively all the art and sprites look and the combination of the pixel backgrounds and atmospheric music really immersed me in this world.

neginé and selene are such a joy to watch interact, everything from the chats to the killing.

also liliana is cute, just wanted to put that out there


thank you!!!!!! so much!!!!!!!! liliana was really fun, it was an eleventh hour decision to make her a total brat and i feel like a genius for that one

girls that kill together, thrill together


I'm just so in love with this setting and the characters! The world is so interesting, and it feels like there's so much to it that I don't know yet! The character designs are great, and the music is a real stand-out. This one's called The First Testament, so... I hope I get to revisit this world sometime again!


i hope you get to as well! >w< thank you so much for reading...